Resources for Schools and Educators
Oregon Approved Secondary CTE Programs of Study database
Oregon Community College CTE Programs
CTE Teacher Job Announcements:
If you have questions about the positions, please contact the person on the spreadsheet or a contact listed in the position announcement.
Consortium Steering Committee Meetings and Agendas
December 10, 2024 Link to Agenda Dec. Newsletter
November 10, 2024 Link to Agenda Nov. Newsletter
October 10, 2024 Link to Agenda Oct. Newsletter
Sept 10, 2024 Link to Agenda Sept. Newsletter
May 14, 2024 Link to Agenda May Newsletter
April 9, 2024 Link to Agenda April Newsletter
March 12, 2024 Link to Agenda March Newsletter
February 13, 2024 Link to Agenda February Newsletter
December 12, 2023 Link to Agenda January Newsletter
October 10, 2023 Link to Agenda October Newsletter
September 12, 2023 Link to Agenda Sept. Newsletter
One-Page Discussion Guides to CTE Program of Study Elements
Work-Based Learning
High-Quality CTE Program of Study
Alignment and Articulation
Student Support
CTE Professional Development
Standards & Content
Employer Guide to Structuring a Successful Work-Based Learning Opportunity
CTE Career Posters for Classroom/Counseling Office
Women in Trades
Oregon Apprenticeship
Community College Data Dashboard
The Higher Education Coordinating Commission (HECC) data dashboard here provides interactive data on students and learners served by Oregon’s 17 community colleges. The HECC Office of Research and Data receives data from the colleges and analyzes and reports student and outcome data to help inform decisions and guide progress toward state goals.
The dashboard available below includes four sections of community college data related to four student-level characteristics: Enrollment, Affordability, Completion, and Employment/Earnings.
Choose which of the four sections interests you.
Each section has multiple pages of data. You can scroll through each page at the bottom.
You can choose data for the whole state or specific institutions at the top of each page.
You can also select particular years or student groups, and you can filter the data by student characteristics at the left side of the page.
Explore our other interactive data dashboards here. Learn more about the work of the HECC Office of Research and Data here.
Secondary Career Pathways Grant
ODE Guidance & Important Information
Slideshow -
Website -
CTE Program Development and Renewal Cycle through 2024-25 School Year
Oregon CTE Program of Study Quality Rubric
Career and Technical Education (CTE) Licensure Prep Program at Clackamas Community College
Are you interested in sharing your industry expertise by teaching in a career and technical education (CTE) program? Clackamas provides a Teacher Standards and Practices Commission (TSPC) approved teacher preparation program for CTE licensure in all six CTE career areas.
Oregon's Career Areas include
Agriculture, food and natural resources systems
Arts, information and communications
Business and management
Health and biomedical sciences
Human resources
Industrial and engineering systems
This program meets the Teacher Standards and Practices Commission (TSPC) professional development requirements for industry experts seeking an Oregon Restricted or Preliminary CTE license to teach in secondary CTE (middle and high school) programs. It also provides professional development for post-secondary CTE (community college) faculty and instructors teaching in registered apprenticeships to improve teaching skills and understanding of the learning process. This certificate provides individuals with educational foundations in classroom and program management and develops skills needed to meet the needs of diverse students and to integrate developmentally appropriate and culturally competent instructional strategies.
Start your path to a career in CTE instruction at Clackamas Community College:
The one-year CTE Licensure Prep certificate program is Teacher Standards and Practices Commission (TSPC) approved to meet the Professional Development Plan (PDP) education requirements for the CTE Preliminary Teaching license.
Clackamas offers all six of the courses (18 credits) required in the TSPC Professional Development Plan for the Restricted CTE Teaching License. Note: these courses apply to the CTE Licensure Prep Certificate requirements.
All ED courses at Clackamas are offered online yearly to meet the needs of working students statewide.
More information about CTE Teacher Licensure can be found at the Oregon Department of Education website.
To register, simply follow the enrollment process found on our Getting Started page.
Megan Helzerman
Career and Technical Education (CTE) Licensure Specialist
Family Resource Center
Industry Recognized Credentials
Database of IRCs Oregon's list of IRCs
Looking to add a new Industry Recognized Credential?
Find three industry partners (community college partner included) to fill out support form:
Fill out the request form:
Please let the regional coordinator know that you have submitted a request for an IRC with the Oregon Department of Education
ODE CTE Tool Kit
The following Career and Technical Education (CTE) tool kit includes a set of resources to equip schools
and districts throughout Oregon with the messaging and tools you’ll need to communicate about your
school or district’s CTE program(s) to help attract future students as they forecast for next year’s classes.
The tool kit includes content for students, families, staff and local news media about CTE, including
information that can help dispel outdated ideas about what CTE is, through examples of current CTE
pathways. For an overview of CTE, please refer to the fact sheet in this tool kit.
Oregon Connections
Oregon Connections is the next generation, web-based tool that makes it easy for industry professionals to connect with K-20 educators. Professionals can share their skills and expertise to bring real-world, authentic learning opportunities to all our students helping to create the next generation of innovators. Through in-person matches and virtual sessions, professionals can help students and teachers connect their classroom to the world of work. Together we can make a difference.
Sign up for free:
Open Education Resources for Oregon CTE
Open Education Resources for Oregon CTE
Non-Traditional Occupations
These are occupations that are traditionally dominated by a specific gender. Getting students into non-traditional programs is one of the goals of Perkins. Below are the programs that are associated for male and females. I hope this helps.
Nontraditional occupations for women are those in which women comprise less than 25 percent of total employment.
Nontraditional occupations for men are those in which men comprise less than 25 percent of total employment.
Secondary CIP codes available to ODE secondary CTE POS federally associated with male as a
traditional gender in related fields effective report year 2021-2022:
010000 Agriculture
010101 Agriculture Business and Management
010601 Horticulture Operations
030101 Natural Resources, General
030104 Environmental Science
030501 Forestry, General
110103 Information Technology
110201 Computer Programming
111003 Computer Security
140101 Engineering
144201 Robotics
150399 Electrical/Electrical Engineering
151301 Drafting
151302 CAD/CADD
430104 Criminal Justice
460000 Construction
460201 Carpentry
490101 Aeronautics
500602 Film/Video Production
Secondary CIP codes federally associated with females as a traditional gender in related fields
for report year 2020-2021:
120401 Cosmetology
131206 Teacher Education
131210 Early Childhood Education
510710 Medical Office Assistant
520803 Banking and Financial Support Services
Requirements for High School Teachers to Offer Dual Credit at Clackamas C.C.
The new articulation process hopefully will streamline communication, cut down on the length of waiting time for internal and external partners and ultimately be a very clear and easy way for new articulation requests to be established all while ensuring alignment. Attached, please find the New ACC Articulation Request Process that will walk through the process of submitting a new articulation application. Any articulations still in process for this spring term will finish up in Dual Enroll before the end of the school year.
Here are a few new things you can expect with the new ACC articulation process:
There is now an Application instructors submit when requesting a new articulation. It can be found here: The application now includes a place to submit both credential and curriculum documents. Instructors who have articulated previously may use previous credentials (resume/transcripts) already on file with the ACC office, and may not need to upload additional credential documents for an application.
For every new and renewed articulation request, HS instructors will be asked to complete a curriculum map outlining how their HS course meets the student learning outcomes (in addition to a syllabus & sample assessments) for review. A blank curriculum map is attached.
New Articulation Deadlines will be established for each term new instructors wish to articulate. This is to help, in part, remove the ‘rushed’ articulation processes, and helps align with Oregon State standards.
Current ACC instructors who have articulations up for renewal will be required to complete curriculum maps as well for each college course renewed. Renewal notices and instructions will be going out in the coming weeks to appropriate instructors.
Additional information about the ACC articulation process can also be found at
Please let me know if you have any questions,
Manufacturing Resources
Make the Future TM, Connecting Girls to Manufacturing
The NAPE Education Foundation’s Make the Future program, funded by Toyota USA Foundation, provides free methods and tools to help educators, counselors, administrators, and recruiters break down barriers. These barriers limit females and other historically underrepresented student groups from taking education paths that can prepare them for high-demand advanced manufacturing careers.
Create Effective Messages
Manufacturing Guidebook for Teachers
Manufacturing Guidebook for Students and their Families
Use Effective Strategies
2022 -23 Consortium Meeting Agendas
May 10, 2023 Link to Agenda May Newsletter
April 12, 2023 Link to Agenda April Newsletter
March 22, 2023 No Meeting March Newsletter
February 8, 2023 Link to Agenda February Newsletter
January 11, 2023 Link to Agenda January Newsletter
November 9, 2022 Link to Agenda November Newsletter
October 12, 2022 Link to Agenda October Newsletter
September 14, 2022 Link to Agenda September Newsletter
2021 -22 Consortium Meeting Agendas
May 18, 2022 Link to Agenda May Newsletter
April 20, 2022 Link to Agenda April Newsletter
March 16, 2022 Link to Agenda March Newsletter
February 16, 2022 Link to Agenda February Newsletter
December 15, 2021 Link to Agenda December Newsletter
November 17, 2021 Link to Agenda November Newsletter
October 20, 2021 Link to Agenda October Newsletter
September 16, 2021 Link to Agenda September Newsletter
2020 -21 Consortium Meeting Agendas
May 5, 2021 Link to Agenda
April 7, 2021 Link to Agenda
March 3, 2021 Link to Agenda
February 3, 2021 Link to Agenda
December 7, 2021 Link to Agenda
CTE Success Stories
Career Journeys is about helping students find their own path
Navigating the uncertainty of our formative years takes courage, curiosity, and outside support. A single conversation can spark a passion that leads to a lifetime of reward. Knowing where to start is often a challenge for students. The Career Journeys project seeks to help middle and high school students from across the state of Oregon–and beyond–to dream big. It’s all about exposing students to in-demand career pathways through “near-peer mentoring”.
This innovative approach to learning acknowledges that students often find it easier to relate to individuals close to their age. All our profilees are in the early stages of their careers. It is our hope that Oregon’s students can see themselves in the video profiles, lesson plans and website materials.
The stories we selected profile Oregonians who navigated the public school system. During their interviews, we touch on some of the challenges they faced when navigating their own career journeys. We cover the present, of course, but also, the past decisions that lead our profilees to where they are today. We invite students to discover their own pathway through this shared exploration of the next generation of Oregon’s leaders.
Career-Connected Learning - Clackamas County
Find out what’s happening in our region and learn how to get connected!